
Content Marketing And Digital PR Predictions For 2023

Creative campaigns have experienced huge growth over the last few years – brands prior to the pandemic were experiencing the kind of growth that made investment possible and, during and after the pandemic, brands faced economic conditions that made investment necessary. However, as the various political and economic issues continue on for another year, brands are likely to become increasingly cautious.

As ever, when times get tough, marketing needs to deliver more for less, and this will have a direct impact on the methods and channels that brands use to reach their audience.

My predictions Journalism has come in for a fair amount of (pretty fair) criticism over the last few years – as most news publications have shifted increasing amounts of their budget and column inches away from direct reportage to opinion pieces, churnalism and other content types directly aimed at maximising profitability in an industry almost entirely ad-funded.

My hope is that 2023 will see revenue sharing rolled out in more countries following a landmark ruling by the EU in May last year which will allow more traditional news reporting from mainstream outlets while advances in how Google perceives EEAT metrics (experience, expertise, authority, trustworthiness) will nudge publications into returning to beat journalism, and establishing genuine and knowledgeable voices in various areas of reporting.

This may reduce access for some PR pieces, but will make building lasting relationships with domain experts much easier when a single journalist isn’t forced to write on biscuits one minute and global politics the next.