
Click Consult’s Dave Gossage Delivers Captivating Talk At BrightonSEO

Brighton SEO gives SEO marketers from all around the world a chance to meet, discuss, and network with like minded professionals about all-things-search – learning, educating, and building friendships along the way.

This year Click’s very own Dave Gossage was invited to deliver a talk on understanding and creating Xpath for almost any customer extraction, and featured on the Tech SEO panel alongside some of SEO’s brightest minds: Simon Lesser, Beth Woodcock, and Paulo Andraus.

Some of our team had the opportunity to join Dave for the journey, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere and providing our man-of-the-hour with some encouragement and support as he stepped into the spotlight!

BrightonSEO Day 1 In 2024, over 5,000 people from 50 countries around the world gathered in Brighton for this search oriented event.

With a variety of talks and workshops available from minute one, our team was instantly immersed in the world of search. The set-up was interactive and dynamic, providing the perfect venue for networking, and nurturing a collaborative environment.

On day 1, the atmosphere was changed with an excitable energy around AI, with a particular focus on Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and how it might change the face of the modern search engine.

Understand and create Xpath for almost any custom extraction, David Gossage Our very own Dave Gossage took the stage in the early afternoon, mesmerising the Brighton audiences with a compelling talk on creating Xpath for almost any custom extraction. Dave captivated and engaged the audience, managing to deliver a speech that was useful and understandable to both those with little-to-no tech SEO background, and those with a greater expertise.

Catering to both beginners and more seasoned SEO professionals, Dave’s talk gave the audience an understanding of the fundamentals of using Xpath for SEO to create custom extractions in tools like Screaming Frog.

To round off the talk, Dave showcased some examples to help the audience turbo charge their website crawls.

If you’re interested in learning more about creating Xpath for custom extractions, check out Dave’s presentation below:

BrightonSEO Day 2 From an early start with the Tech SEO panel, to an insightful keynote speech by Rory Sutherland at Oglivy, and ending the night with a drinks reception on Brighton Pier – day 2 of BrightonSEO did not lack in variety or energy!

Tech SEO panel Day 2 started bright and early with the Tech SEO panel at 9:30am, where Dave joined esteemed SEO experts Simon Lesser, Beth Woodcock, and Paulo Andraus for a deep dive into SEO.

Each of the panellists had a specialist focus in a particular area of tech SEO, so together the four of them provided a nice blend of expertise to answer the various tech SEO questions directed at them from audience members.

The panellists provided some memorable insights that were suitable for both those just starting their careers in Tech SEO, as well as more complex tech concepts suited for those with years of experience.

Summary As our team reflects on an enlightening few days at BrightonSEO, they return to Click’s office with an enriched knowledge, inspiration, and a renewed passion to push the boundaries of search marketing.

We are excited to take what we’ve learnt, and adapt and apply it to our own SEO strategies to innovate and excel further for our clients!

And of course we hope to see Dave, our SEO team, and wider digital marketing experts impart their knowledge at similar events in the future!!